IX Congress of the Polish Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons

June, 23, 2018

June 21-23, 2018, in the city of Shchetsin, the IX Congress of the Polish Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons took place. The Congress has shown that the international interest in the experience of Ukrainian surgeons in Ozaki procedure is growing steadily. Igor Mokryk, Head of the Department of Surgical Methods for the Treatment of Acquired Heart […]

Aortic Valve Repair Summit in Paris

June, 19, 2018

 18-19 June 2018, the Aortic Valve Repair Summit took place in Paris. Igor Mokryk, Head of the Department of Surgical Methods for the Treatment of Acquired Heart Diseases, the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, shared the experience of the Institute’s specialists in Ozaki Procedure.

IV Scientific conference “Actual questions of cardiology and cardiac surgery”

June, 1, 2018

June 1, 2018
About 100 cardiologists, therapists, cardiac surgeons, resuscitators, anesthesiologists, and functional diagnostics physicians took part in the conference. The traditional main goal of the forum is to acquaint doctors of different specialties with the latest achievements in cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology

Unique cardiac surgery on a 1 kg (2.5 lbs) infant

April, 20, 2018

A boy was born on the 27th week of pregnancy weighing just 870 g and having two congenital heart diseases – coarctation of the aorta and aortic hypoplasia, the Botallo’s foramen failed to close after birth as well. For a month, doctors in Rivne, Ukraine cared for the infant and then transported the boy to the Heart Institute where the surgery was successfully conducted by a team managed by cardiac surgeon Vasiliy Karpenko and anesthesiologist Iryna Galamai. 

For the first time in Ukraine – implantation of the last generation of aortic valve endoprostheses at the Heart Institute

March, 29, 2018

March, 29, 2018
The patient, 75 years old, had a complex combined lesion of the aortic valve (a combined aortic defect with a predominance of stenosis), a marked loss of ascending aortic calcinosis and a number of concomitant diseases, which combined risk the traditional operation to be extremely high. Endovascular implantation of the aortic valve was the only opportunity to save his life.

II International Conference “Reconstructive Surgery of the Heart” was held in Kiev

November, 24, 2017

November 23-24, 2017

Leading cardiac surgeons from the USA, Germany, Lithuania, Great Britain, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Greece, Georgia, Moldova took part in the event.
The Congress was not just a cycle of reports of outstanding cardiac surgeons – it was a meeting of like-minded people, masters of their cause; a gathering of a united world team who are most anxious to save human lives.

Ozaki procedure on 4-year-old girl

September, 1, 2017

For the first time in Ukraine, at the Heart Institute, Ozaki Procedure was done on a 4-year-old girl with the congenital aortic defect. The surgery went successfully – the result is excellent.